How we can help
Without doubt, the key success factor in any industry, is the delivery of the service through the people it employs. We can help you ensure that employee performance is managed and rewarded in line with market rates.
For many businesses, remuneration costs represents between 50 and 80 percent of operating budgets and yet many organisations commit less time to managing the costs of this significant expenditure than to even relatively low value capital expenditure items.
Cost effective products
Our online salary surveys, performance appraisal tool, job evaluation system and our performance reward manager provide our clients with what they need to make informed decisions about compensation and benefits and implement these effectively, understand how best to manage of objectives and uncover the relative values of jobs.
Practical consultancy
Our Associates help to implement pay structures, evaluate job roles and develop compensation and benefits strategy within our clients’ organisations.
Further reading
Contact MHR
If you would like to find out more about our products and services please contact us by telephone or email.